Social Responsibility
  • Institutional governance by maintaining the highest standards of integrity and enhancing confidence in work systems.
  • Human rights by accepting and respecting the diversity of workers and the communities that the company serves, such as: equal opportunities for women and people with special needs.
  •  Strengthen occupational safety and health management and reduce risks in order to provide a safe and healthy work environment through the implementation of the occupational safety and health system ISO 45001.
  • Protecting and caring for the environment and seriously striving to reduce pollutants that affect the environment and humans through the application of the Ecosystem Management Standard ISO14001.
  • Paying attention to the services of customers and stakeholders, and improving and developing them to achieve their satisfaction.
  • Participation in the development of society for its advancement in all economic, social and cultural aspects.
  • Developing human resources so that each employee can fully utilize his skills in order to achieve further development for the company.

Social Responsibility News

ضمن إطار التزامها بالمسؤولية الاجتماعية ودعم جهود الحفاظ على البيئة وسلامة المواطنين، قدمت شركة السمرا لتوليد الكهرباء…

Social Responsibility

Human Resource Development
Community Development
Customer services
environment protection
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
human rights
institutional governance