Health and safety

Samra Electricity Power Company gives absolute priority to providing a safe environment within the highest safety standards through a series of procedures, policies and training and awareness programs provided annually to staff working in all operations and monitoring them through a specialized staff that seeks to ascertain and conform to safety standards.

Samra Company is proud of its full commitment to its duty to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all employees, contractors and visitors through the application and effective implementation of the occupational safety and health standards ISO45001:2018 and adopts an approach based on the following principles:

  • All accidents are avoidable and preventable
  • Safety is everyone's responsibility

All Samra employees have the authority to stop any unsafe work in the event of any danger.

All concerned parties in the company follow regular procedures in order to reduce risks related to health, environment and safety as possible.



The most important performance

Number of minutes of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee
4 +
Number of courses and safety awareness lectures
24 +
0.98 +
Number of near accidents
19 +